Hampshire Constabulary

Hampshire Constabulary

22 October 2012. 28-year-old female Hampshire Constabulary PC and a 29-year-old woman colleague were arrested on suspicion of misconduct in a public office. Both have been bailed until 27 November 2012. Detective Superintendent Colin Smith, Head of the force’s Professional Standards Department, said: “Hampshire Constabulary upholds a policy of zero tolerance in relation to police corruption and will spare no efforts in investigating any allegations in order to maintain the integrity of the force and public confidence in the service we provide.” The arrests were made following investigations made by Anti-Corruption Unit of the constabulary. Altogether six people were arrested, including the two serving officers. The remaining four, all men, were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. One of them, aged 26, was also arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to supply Class B drugs. Another man aged 32  was arrested on suspicion of being involved in the supply of Class A drugs. They have been set on bail until 11 January 2012. The investigation is being supervised by the Independent Police Complaints Commission.