John Maylam

John Maylam

2 May 2012. John Maylam, 44, pleaded guilty to corruption between January 2006 and January 2008 in accepting bribes amounting to £4.9 Million.

Greenvale AP secured a £40 million contract to supply potatoes to Sainsbury and was able to overcharge for the potatoes supplied. The supermarket knew nothing of this practice.

Greenvale’s account manager David Baxter, 50, admitted to giving Maylam gifts, property, goods and services. The gifts included a £200,000 bill at London’s Claridge’s Hotel and £350,000 for a 12-day trip to the Monaco Grand Prix. Money amounting to hundreds of thousand pounds was handed over in plain envelopes.

Sainsbury’s internal guidelines require that all hospitality gifts must be placed in a charity raffle and failure to do so may result in misconduct proceedings and dismissal.